Philippians 2:4 "Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others."
We all go through seasons where we need to recharge our personal batteries or grieve tiny or big changes. I understand needing to stop and catch a breath. Setting boundaries with disrespectful or misunderstanding people is always a good tower at which to stand guard vigilantly. However, there is a difference in recharging or taking care of yourself VERSUS isolating yourself.
(By the way, I am not an expert on psychology in any way, nor do I expect my blog to create revenue. I am simply a person who has had to battle personal negativity pretty much every day of my life, and I like to share when God helps me over hurdles for other like-minded strugglers.)
Satan, the Evil One, that Devil, the Enemy knows that one of the simplest ways to distract me from progressing along my path with Jesus is NEGATIVITY. Sometimes it is pathetic how easily he can ensnare me by helping me focus on THAT situation that seems impossible or THIS person who is utterly annoying and inconvenient. Some days my fears are more visible than my hopes, which is not the way it should be for a follower of Jesus the Christ. Many of my days are spent exhausted and drained because I am mentally fighting battles that don't exist because of evil, bitter, fearful thoughts I feed like ravenous monsters who are never satisfied. And when that happens, I am usually all alone because I chose to be. Our society, even church society (which was designed by God to draw us into community and unity (maybe bc he knows we would be drawn to isolation)), is so individualistic, and I can see other people with my tendency to isolation suffering for it, so that's why I wanted to share this.
Likely, this will be a lifelong thorn in my side, with waning seasons. But God has always helped me overcome it when it becomes unbearably aggravated.
This latest season of brooding and isolation is starting to dissipate, and I believe it is largely because of funny and positive Christian friends in my life. God has shown me what a blessing humor is. Now, I am not an expert at comedy, and a lot of times other people's jokes and sarcasm go right over my head. You can giggle because I am that person who nods and laughs and obviously has NO idea what is going on.
So I asked God to help me find MY sense of humor and strengthen it. I have been looking up funny memes on Google, related to things I like.
(My phone and my Kindle will not successfully upload photos to my blog right now... Sorry. Along with being a genius of humor, I am also brilliant with technology. ((That was sarcasm for my fellow humor beginners.))
For example:
Follow this link to an adorable little girl and her humongous cinnamon roll.
Or this really funny Star Wars meme for Father's Day.
What are things you like? Find a meme. Or make one.
Anyway, my funny friends seem very good at entering a bad situation with the mindset that they WILL make it better, funnier, lighter-hearted, etc. They are good at realizing that the good qualities are as present as the bad, or that they can be. Instead of focusing on that annoying person who makes everyone uncomfortable in whatever way, they plan pleasant conversations that may bring that irritating person into a different light, or they remember the many people who aren't wet blankets or emotional blackholes and strengthen the positive presence of hope and laughter and community. Which makes it better for everyone. They bring yummy food or a fun game and just help everyone focus on better things. They bring gifts and they think of how they can lighten the hearts of other negative thinkers. Now, I know a lot of us aren't naturals at this... yet. But I would rather figure out how to do this with the people in my life than always complain or dread or teach my kids to be unhappy, negative, isolated people.
Instead of letting the party suck the life out of us, let's bring some more life to the party. For all our sakes.