Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Running Influences: Women Run Fast Too!

I have heard three sermons this year about the benefit of surrounding myself with people who have characteristics I admire or desire because of the influence their excellence can have on me. Wisdom and maturity and spiritual fruits were the main idea at those times, but I have come to realize since following certain running companies and individual runners on Twitter, just how true that concept is. (Which is delightful... and TERRIFYING, depending on whom you surround yourself with.)

If any of you are interested in running, I wanted to share this post as an inspiration to discover and reach some of your personal goals.

Turning 30 this past March flipped a switch in my brain. I realize how fast time is flying, but I feel younger than I thought I would, and I want to stop making excuses to not be the best Nicoll I can be. No more letting other negative, insecure, discouraged people affect me. That is my choice. At my best, I will always need Christ's perfection to use my many weaknesses for HIS glory. And I feel like seeking excellence in my personal, unique path from God will give Him more opportunity to expand His glory through my frail being. I am so thankful for the freedom and passion of this emotion that seemed to only come alive very recently in me, maybe since the births of my children, feeling a tiny bit of God's pure love for His children. I want others to have it too!

Running has been a favorite activity of mine for half my thirty years. Until earlier this year, though, I didn't really care about my speed at all. As long as I stayed in motion for a certain distance (6 to 7 miles was my preference) and did what I considered my best, the physical and mental and spiritual benefits of moving and breathing and sweating were thrill enough for me. My average speed THEN was 6 miles in about 55 minutes.


Then I read about a fast little blond lady named Shalane Flanagan on the day of the Boston Marathon 2015 (April 20). [From this point in the post, click on the names of runners or articles to link to the site... Until I have time to go deeper in format, the linked names are just showing like normal text, but clicking on or touching them will connect you to those other sites. Sorry.]

Picture from https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shalane_Flanagan
I first read about her in this article 10 Moments That Shaped Shalane Flanagan's Life that Women's Running shared on Twitter. Flanagan is an elite American runner who won the bronze medal for the 10,000 meters in the 2008 Olympics. She ran the Boston Marathon 2015 (26.2 miles) in 2 hours 27 minutes and 47 seconds. She was disappointed in herself (what?! You can read that here) and even though she placed ninth that day... she is still my favorite runner... because I read in that first article that as a little girl who'd never trained or ran before, she beat all the boys and girls at her school's one-mile fitness test. In elementary school, with the raw skill God gave uniquely to her, she ran one mile in less than six minutes! Running is her calling, and she is living it. Also, she ran a 10K in 30 minutes and 34 seconds!!! You guys! You gals! That, at the time I read this article, was my favorite distance to run, and she did it 24 minutes faster than I did. Most people finish a 5K in that time. So I just became fascinated with her, and I keep up with her on Twitter. Her success motivates me to fight for my best. I doubt I will ever run THAT fast... but now I can do my six miles in 47 minutes, which is 8+ minutes faster than I even tried before I read about her. And that was just about five months ago. How fast will I be in five more months? How fast will I be when I stop nursing my toddler in the middle of every night and get some sleep? (My cute husband says that to me all the time.) ;)

Women's Running and Runner's World have such good articles to read that they share throughout every day on Twitter, and they have also introduced me to Hungry Runner Girl and NYC Running Mama, a little more "normal" women who make a living by loving running and striving for excellence. They are way farther along in running than I am, but they are"normal" enough I feed delusions of achieving their speeds. They are fun gals to read! Check out their sites (links on their names) for posts about their races. They share pics on Instagram and Twitter. I have so much fun believing I can run as far and fast as them in my little corner of the world when I read their stories and see their photos.

Ladies (or men), please don't be afraid to find your unique passion(s), whatever it is -- running, art, business, whatever -- and find people who encourage your confidence. Those of you who know me, and some of the dark seasons I've made for myself, should know that if God can help me become confident and courageous and passionate and ALIVE, that I can find His peace in every day, even if I struggle through the negativity in my brain like I am wrestling a wild, mean monkey, then anyone can! We are each different. Find who God made you to be, and keep letting Him make you. Stop letting silly things insecure people say stop you from becoming your best. 

Father-God, thank you for freedom in Jesus, for a season in our life and in this world when I can seek You through the activity and participants in the running world. God, the Devil can so easily make this an idol, but I commit to you to keep using this as a tool in my life that draws me closer to Your face and the plans you have for me. I know the plans are bigger than exercise and races... please help me see You, wherever You are. Please keep guiding me by Your Word and Spirit. I want to be true to who You made me to be, not to myself. 

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