Friday, September 18, 2015

Training: Dark Before Dawn & Raisins in My Shorts

Lord-willing, I will be running the Land Between the Lakes Half-marathon in Kentucky on October 17. You can read about it here, if you are interested:

I am so very excited!  A half has been on my unwritten bucket list (I don't have a written one) for years. Seriously, y'all, I have butterflies about it.

This morning was a long run in my training cycle. I am doing my own thing loosely based on plans friends have done... and I constantly have to pray for wisdom because I want to overdo it every time. I felt my unusually tight hamstrings this week after a combination of great fast runs AND yardwork from last week, so I pushed this week's long run from this past Tuesday to this morning. I did five mile runs a little more slowly on both Tuesday and Wednesday to baby my hamstrings... and they felt really good yesterday, so I felt good about going the distance this morning.

I did 11+ miles, beginning at 5:30 a.m., after nursing our toddler and stretching. I didn't realize just how dark it still is that early, and, given the choice again, I will not begin until 6. Maybe I will if I research running in the dark and get the right equipment. I did wear my bright, reflective running clothes (Thanks, Mother-in-law, for the birthday gift!); but I could not see if there were sticks or rocks or creatures in my path. I am thankful I did not step on the dead armadillo I could only smell on the first loop. Eww...

I am pleased my average time per mile was 8:18. Ideally, I want to run in 8:00 or less... BUT I had to stop and use the restroom at a gas station, and I did NOT stop my Runtastic clock. I left water to drink at the end of our driveway so I could get a drink on the repeat of the loop really fast (without having to carry it the whole way), and I kept the clock going while I downed it. This run had 400+ feet of elevation, at least that my GPS could sense. The half I am running has 1,100 feet of elevation... I am nervous about the hills, but maybe if I don't have to stop and use a tree for plumbing issues (it's in a state park, not a city), and I keep running as fast as I can up the hills in our neighborhood, I can at least do 8:18ish a mile, like this morning. And, since it is my first half, I should probably just be happy to finish... or get it in under 2 hours. We'll see!

The race will have water stops and gu stations along my route. Gu packets are energy and electrolyte slime that runners can down while they're running long distances. I will NOT put that nasty stuff in my mouth or my body. So I have been reading about natural alternatives to on-the-run fuel. A couple of different articles I found on Runner's World suggested a box of raisins. They have an appropriate shot of carbohydrates, but no electrolytes, but I ate some stove-popped corn with my husband last night and got my sea salt intake then. I usually don't feel short on electrolytes while running. If I did need electrolytes, I would bring mashed sweet potatoes with sea salt mixed in that I could store in a tiny bag that I just rip open to suck while running. This morning I brought one of my sons' raisins boxes in the little-bitty pocket inside my running shorts intended for keys or phones... or fuel. A lot of people don't consume fuel for half-marathons, just marathons... but I read a few experienced runners who say around mile 8 or 9 that it does help. So I tested that out this morning. I think with that elevation of 1,100 feet I will need any extra fuel I can get. At about 8.5 miles this morning, I chewed almost half the box while running. It was pleasant to chew and swallow while running, but my body just didn't want anything else entering it, so I didn't need to finish it. I did feel a second wind in my leg muscles after eating them. So I will have raisins in my racing gear. 

Sharing my running experiences causes me a little concern because I am human, and I know other humans give me a gold star for running, and of course I like that. I really don't want this to be about me in a boastful sense. Contrarily, I truly want to share these experiences because of the encouragement I want to pass to others. I get so much encouragement when other people share their stories. I am as normal and weak as a person can be. Some of you may know certain instances of my timidity and discouragement in other life seasons, so you know if I can do this, THEN YOU CAN TOO. And it's because of Christ's Spirit growing life in our hearts. That verse at the top of this blog... We have love, power, and discipline living in us because of our faith in Jesus Christ, y'all. Life is not about getting exercise or winning races, but if certain activities, like running, can grow the courage muscles in our spirits and help us see what God can do through our bodies and minds, then I want every bit of those earthly opportunities to help me learn to walk with Spirit. I cannot live (as in it is NOT possible, not just comfortable) without eating or sleeping; my body needs exercise too. 

I ran through a huge city by myself at sunrise last month; this morning I ran on a highway in the dark; and I have participated in two races -- all things that make the timid flesh in my heart squirm. But do you know how good it feels to overcome your discomforts and fears and learn that you can overcome? It feels so good! It feels way better to do it than not to do it. And, little-by-little, this courage growing in me helps me connect to people I don't know or who are different than me; it helps me attempt experiences that maybe one day can supply resources and connections for just deeds in this fallen world. I don't know what the future holds, but I know that right now I am actually present.

Father-God, thank You for giving us Your Spirit. Thank You that You are such a magnificent Creator that Your Spirit can weave together through out bodies and minds and with each other and experiences to accomplish transformation in our fallen, bitter, scared hearts. Thank You for patience and steadfast growth because this surely does not happen in one day. Thank you, in Jesus. 

1 comment:

  1. "We have love, power, and discipline living in us because of our faith in Jesus Christ, y'all." I needed this reminder today, especially concerning discipline! Thanks for your thoughts!
